The Leaf - White Magic testo lyric

29/04/2024 - 13:41 Scritto da The Leaf The Leaf 1


In a forest over the hill
There is a clearing with an oak,
You’ll find there what you seek,
But only if your mind is really broken.
Her gaze reminds you of summer,
Her skin is made of winter,
Balance is her name,
And her words sweet and bitter.

“Your night made you grow,
It must not be erased,
Your morning is the guide,
Your 'noon restores you,
The evening delights,
Then again the night,
But I promise, it rolls by.”

Her words were made of peace,
While they promise me war,
Once you’ve learned to accept,
Everything can be fought.
Over the hill,
Under that old oak,
I learned to live again,
Realizing it had been forgotten.

“Your night made you grow,
It must not be erased,
Your morning is the guide,
Your ‘noon restores you,
The evening delights,
Then again the night,
But I promise, it rolls by.”


Premi play per ascoltare il brano White Magic di The Leaf:


The Leaf: Gloria Galeno (voce), Alessio Manni (chitarra e voce), Eugenio Piscitelli (chitarra), Luca Margherito (batteria), Maurizio Griglio (basso).
Produttori: Maurizio Griglio, Dario Ravelli


La canzone White Magic si trova nell'album White Magic uscito nel 2024 per FUGA.

Copertina dell'album White Magic, di The Leaf

L'articolo The Leaf - White Magic testo lyric di The Leaf è apparso su il 2024-04-29 13:41:33


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