The Whistling Heads - Not Funny (At All) testo lyric


Away from the clubs
Away from the Town
Away from the street
And from who's hanging around
Away from the day
And the colors of shame
My city Is sleeping since 1908
And It's always depressing
To let you know
That all your Friends someday will have to go
I thought you were here
I thought you could hear
Whatever I sing
Whatever I sing

It is not funny
It's not funny at all
It's not funny at all

It is not funny
It's not funny at all
It's not funny at all
It's not funny

Never mind sleepy cat
Throw yourself in the gap
Try to find a good job
Always do what they want
You were sitting by yourself
Wondering about an end
Coming to a conclusion
You're living an illusion
Molly she's a good friend
You don't need to pretend
She kisses you on the forehead
She goes
She goes
She goes
She goes

Try to be with all your Friends
Try to be there in the end

Can you be mine?
Can you be mine?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Not Funny (At All) di The Whistling Heads:


La canzone Not Funny (At All) si trova nell'album Dull Boy uscito nel 2023 per Disasters By Choice, Goodfellas.

Copertina dell'album Dull Boy, di The Whistling Heads

L'articolo The Whistling Heads - Not Funny (At All) testo lyric di The Whistling Heads è apparso su il 2024-02-18 11:33:53


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