The_Mills - Berlin testo lyric

09/02/2022 - 18:04 Scritto da The_Mills The_Mills 0


I've been distracted by you / for a day or two
Every single day, you bother my way
Then you go away / processing my delays
Connecting all of my old pains
together we pay
Sometimes I wish you tried to be in my mind tomorrow night
Sometimes we used to cry, preparing to fly
(but) we never take it slow, we're almost getting close.
The time / the past we had
was getting close to death
(we) couldn't see it all / you used to say that
but the future's gone with all the greeds of none
With all of different plans / you used to say that
Sometimes I wish you tried to be in my mind tomorrow night
Sometimes we used to cry, preparing to fly
(but) we never take it slow, we're almost getting close
Our spirits weren't ready in
Berlin x2
We didn't find ourselves
we were just supposed to creep / in Berlin
We didn't find ourselves / we were just supposed to...
The time is hidden in the dust
Our love was getting close / to madness
Spending days in a bar
drinking coffee and whiskey and cigarettes


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Berlin di The_Mills:


La canzone Berlin si trova nell'album USELESS uscito nel 2022 per Dischi Soviet Studio , Audioglobe, Believe.

Copertina dell'album USELESS, di The_Mills

L'articolo The_Mills - Berlin testo lyric di The_Mills è apparso su il 2022-02-09 18:04:23


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