The Bowman - MACHINE MAN testo lyric

12/07/2023 - 12:53 Scritto da The Bowman The Bowman 1


I could be lonely, strong, or funny and in a daze
I could be a siren, science, a theory with no fate
I could be a lover who discovers everything
I could be a whore, a war in every single place

A cage that creates prisoners
A car that falls into a ravine
The man became
(The man became)
Machine, machine
Machine, machine

I could be Egyptian with no description in my face
I could be a lion, run from Zion and the hunter
I could be a butterfly that doesn't die after two days
I could be more, more, and I will be, with grace

(From the)
Cage that creates prisoners
A car that falls into a ravine
The man became
(The man became)
Machine, machine
Machine, machine

A cage that creates prisoners
A car that falls into a ravine
The man became
(The man became)
Machine, machine
Machine, machine

A cage that creates prisoners
A car that falls into a ravine
The man became
(The man became)
Machine, machine
Machine, machine


Premi play per ascoltare il brano MACHINE MAN di The Bowman:


La canzone MACHINE MAN si trova nell'album DEDALO uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album DEDALO, di The Bowman

L'articolo The Bowman - MACHINE MAN testo lyric di The Bowman è apparso su il 2023-07-12 12:53:03


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