The Crooks - In the air testo lyric

10/10/2022 - 18:10 Scritto da The Crooks The Crooks 1



Whatever get you through this lie
it's gonna be alright, yeah alright
Time for decisions to be made
holding my life not to lose it again

I see the people on the train
their reflections on the pane
watching their phone, wasting their lives
Passing the town before it's late
slowly the station starts to fade
I see that hobo, crack a smile

And there is something in the air,
it's gonna blow and take you there x2

The lights are flashing like a pinball
it's gotta be tonight, yeah tonight
I throw my rope up in the air
climbing the walls of illusion and despair

I see the people on the train
their reflections on a pane
watching their phone, wasting their lives
Passing the town before it's late
slowly the station starts to fade
I see that hobo, crack a smile

And there is something in the air,
it's gonna blow and take you there x2


Premi play per ascoltare il brano In the air di The Crooks:


La canzone In the air si trova nell'album Mediacracy uscito nel 2022 per Maninalto!, Semplicemente Dischi, Professional Punkers, ProRawk.

Copertina dell'album Mediacracy, di The Crooks

L'articolo The Crooks - In the air testo lyric di The Crooks è apparso su il 2022-10-10 18:10:43


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