The Doormen - Through My Bones testo lyric


I've got a pain Through my bones
Just like a saw Through my bones
Slowly cuts my dreams
Slowly cuts my hopes

It's like a drug, blowing in my mind
It's like a drug, floating in my heart

I've got a pain Through my bones
Just like a saw Through my bones
I've got the sun through my eyes

I need the sun for my summer
( sunglasses please)
Slowly burns my daytime
Slowly burns my night time

It's like a drug, blowing in my mind
It's like a drug, floating in my heart
She's my drug

I've got a pain Through my bones
Slowly cuts my dreams


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Through My Bones di The Doormen:


La canzone Through My Bones si trova nell'album Abstract [ra] uscito nel 2014 per Audioglobe.

Copertina dell'album Abstract [ra], di The Doormen

L'articolo The Doormen - Through My Bones testo lyric di The Doormen è apparso su il 2023-07-27 18:09:11


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