The Shalalalas - Blade of grass testo lyric


Well, I would like to tell you what I think about you
'cause nothing seems to be the same when I'm without you
now every time I catch a star I'd like to give it to you
and every time I see a shade I hope it's you behind me

Well I would like to give you what you always ask me
and running through the forest trees standing astride you, oooh
now every time I'm on the street I watch the red cars
hoping it's you driving to take me to the seaside, oh yeah

I feel your grace upon my shoulders, darling
I feel a blade of grass upon my head
Sometimes it's just a honey pie
Sometimes it's just to say goodbye

Oooh, I'll take a shine to you
Oooh, I'll steal a smile from you
Oooh, I'll snatch a kiss from you
Oooh, gonna dance all night with you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Blade of grass di The Shalalalas:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: The shalalalas Band (di @Sili con 14 brani), Maga (di @maga con 19 brani)


La canzone Blade of grass si trova nell'album The Fucking Shalalalas EP uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album The Fucking Shalalalas EP, di The Shalalalas

L'articolo The Shalalalas - Blade of grass testo lyric di The Shalalalas è apparso su il 2020-09-25 10:10:45


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