The Nuv (The New Ultraviolet Vanish) - Plasma testo lyric


while somebody calls for a miracle
you take the offers and have fun playin' darts
It sounds so merciful, it sounds so satirical...
You laugh at us like you laugh at farts.

I turn to you less than I did in the past.
most of the time I name you in vain
It's a b movie, and all of us were castto play the apple tree or to play Cain

I sing very, very, very loud
enough to spit the blood and lungs out
I hope these trivial words will tear the sky
“What is wrong with you , God?”

What's wrong with you, what's wrong with most of us?
every new page of this story is the worst page...
I'm sure you exist, there's nothing to discuss
but we're the ones who made you in our image.

I sing very, very, very loud
enough to spit the blood and lungs out
I hope these trivial words will tear the sky
Everytime I sing very very very loud
enough to fall apart the ground you throw your darts at random from the sky “What is wrong with you , my God?”


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Plasma di The Nuv (The New Ultraviolet Vanish):


La canzone Plasma si trova nell'album Belgian Hop(e) uscito nel 2021 per Moquette Records.

Copertina dell'album Belgian Hop(e), di The Nuv (The New Ultraviolet Vanish)

L'articolo The Nuv (The New Ultraviolet Vanish) - Plasma testo lyric di The Nuv (The New Ultraviolet Vanish) è apparso su il 2021-09-21 16:58:30


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