The Shapes - Closer testo lyric

08/09/2017 - 10:45 Scritto da The Shapes The Shapes 2


The Shapes

Yeah we can work it out
Lettin’ time take us in
The chance to put our things in a bag to undo
We love to find out ourselves on the edge
And we do love to stop in front of city lights
To border on the bench ‘cause this is what we do
So now I would have liked not to complicate

You’re gonna make my world perfect
Or then again like we have always dreamed
N’ You got stuck in a moment
At the end, at the end so closer

Fill empty brackets inside
This new good story to write
Just like a book we have decided how to flick through
I know that watchin’ some pics of me should make you sad
Ain’t ever care of the tears, feeling the hug of my fear
What’s than the hard road to follow today
Is there something true between me and you

You’re gonna make my world perfect
Or then again like we have always dreamed
N’ You got stuck in a moment
At the end, at the end so closer

You’re gonna make my world perfect
Or then again like we have always dreamed
N’ You got stuck in a moment
At the end, at the end so closer

You’re gonna make my world perfect
Or then again like we have always dreamed
N’ You got stuck in a moment
At the end, at the end so closer


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Closer di The Shapes:


La canzone Closer si trova nell'album Light Box LP uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album Light Box LP, di The Shapes

L'articolo The Shapes - Closer testo lyric di The Shapes è apparso su il 2017-09-08 10:45:58


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