The Trashed - At Least testo lyric


Rings the telephone
Shaking all my home
Falling from my bed
I wish that I was dead
It’s my babe she found a better man
Stinky tiny room
Aftertaste of puke
I don’t feel fine
After last night
Swallowed memories in bottles of wine

I’ll tell you all my stories
Every failure if you want
But I simply laugh I don’t care anymore
I feel well confused but also sure there is no cure
Grim and sick but it’s my way to live at least

Sex with my own hand
Playing with the band
Twenty cans of beer
Have nothing to fear
It’s only rock n roll after all
Useless as I am
A disgrace to my mum
I’ve always been the last
Such a lazy ass
The clown of the class never growing up

I’ll tell you all my stories
Every failure if you want
But I simply laugh I don’t care anymore
I feel well confused but also sure there is no cure
Grim and sick but it’s my way to live at least

Why are you not at school?
Acting like a fool
Find a real job
Why don’t you play sport?
You better get back on track for good
They say that I will be never getting anywhere
This is what I am, I don’t fucking care
I don’t ever want to be like them

I’ll tell you all my stories
Every failure if you want
But I simply laugh I don’t care anymore
I feel well confused but also sure there is no cure
Grim and sick but it’s my way to live at least


Premi play per ascoltare il brano At Least di The Trashed:


La canzone At Least si trova nell'album Rock And Roll is Here To Stay uscito nel 2021 per Duff Records.

Copertina dell'album Rock And Roll is Here To Stay, di The Trashed

L'articolo The Trashed - At Least testo lyric di The Trashed è apparso su il 2021-10-14 16:54:13


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