Traum Jesters - Accumulator testo lyric


You keep on busting my nuts, man
But you don’t count for shit
The game’s survival of the fittest
And I accumulate

I keep the money, keep the love
I keep the attention on what I want
And if you don’t agree you can suck my balls

The more I have the more I go
And if I get then I don’t talk
If we all play godfather, man, I’m on

I’m just afraid that I won’t survive
If someone next to me doesn’t die

You keep on busting my nuts, man
But you don’t want to see
That who’s up there and leads
just accumulates

And when the world implodes for real
I’ll have enough to jump on a space ship
To start it all over again
right in fucking space


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Accumulator di Traum Jesters:


La canzone Accumulator si trova nell'album Cruel uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Cruel, di Traum Jesters

L'articolo Traum Jesters - Accumulator testo lyric di Traum Jesters è apparso su il 2023-04-12 15:25:07


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