Traum Jesters - Comfortably Astray testo lyric


Free to know it
At your pace
Out of nowhere
Into space

In my own place
Breathe it loud
Pressure’s rising
Now or now, how?

Great to see you back here
Damn, that suit just fits ya
Will you stop this nonsense

That’s my stilted bow
My promise to vow
My sarcastic wow
Can’t wait for it, see it, live it, beat it

That’s my stilted bow
My promise to vow
My sarcastic wow
Can’t wait for it, see it, live it, beat it

You know that you want it
I just can’t do this all alone
Sometimes I wonder
Seems like I’m reaching for the most elusive dawn
It’s time that is stolen (waitin’)
It’s wasteland that’s growing in the comfort of your home (prayin’)
It gets harder and harder (fakin’)
I know, I do really know (fadin’)

That’s my stilted bow
My promise to vow
My sarcastic wow
Can’t wait for it, see it, live it, be it

Silent scream nightmare (See)
Outer space quicksand (Through it)
Where I’m not I am (Play)
Can’t rush for it, blank it, blow it, die it (Live)


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Comfortably Astray di Traum Jesters:


La canzone Comfortably Astray si trova nell'album Comfortably Astray uscito nel 2023 per CD Baby.

Copertina dell'album Comfortably Astray, di Traum Jesters

L'articolo Traum Jesters - Comfortably Astray testo lyric di Traum Jesters è apparso su il 2023-04-12 15:25:07


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