Traum Jesters - Totally Invisible testo lyric


Crawling around, I don’t make a sound
Strike from the darkness, sudden and best
Lonely as fuck yet surviving better
Judge me if you dare, we’ll see who lasts

Better not say
And better not show
Here I go go go
Totally Invisible

I always thought I was better than you
You brought me down from my pedestal
Now from the ground I found another way
To prove I’m right and not insane

Hiding my secrets and lying until death
Deep in the shadows, preparing widows
Aim for the win, I don’t give a shit
If I’ll be alone on paradise lift


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Totally Invisible di Traum Jesters:


La canzone Totally Invisible si trova nell'album Cruel uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Cruel, di Traum Jesters

L'articolo Traum Jesters - Totally Invisible testo lyric di Traum Jesters è apparso su il 2023-04-12 15:25:07


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