Tuesday's Cockroaches - Sunny Cindy testo lyric


In the middle of a debate
On how Pee-Wee masturbates
Sunny Cindy shouts out loud
Shocking, scaring the whole crowd

I'm not being funny
But I love my fanny
People say i'm Sunny Cindy
I'm not being funny
But I love my fanny
People say i'm Sunny Cindy

While Pee-Wee Herman masturbates
And GG Allin defecates
Sunny Cindy shouts outloud
Shocking scaring the whole crowd

I'm not being funny
But I love my fanny
people say i'm Sunny Cindy
I'm not being funny
But I love my fanny
people say i'm Sunny Cindy

All the people was refering
To the sun on her panties
Sunny Cindy relaxed, sunbathing
Simply loved masturbating

I'm not being funny
But I love my fanny
people say i'm Sunny Cindy
I'm not being funny
But I love my fanny
people say i'm Sunny Cindy

To Cindy goes all our affection
She don't deserve no damnation
She wasn't looking for no attention
She simply loves masturbation

"Sunny Cindy plays tambourine with her hands while being watched by her band?"

I'm not being funny
But i love my fanny
I'm not being funny
But i love my fanny
I'm not being funny
But i love my fanny
People say i'm Sunny Cindy
I'm not being funny
But I love my fanny
People say i'm Sunny Cindy

"I'm not being funny, but I love my fanny, I love it, I love it, I love my fanny!"

All the people was refering
To the sun on her panties
Sunny Cindy relaxed, sunbathing
Simply loves masturbating


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Sunny Cindy di Tuesday's Cockroaches:

VIDEO Sunny Cindy

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La canzone Sunny Cindy si trova nell'album Anthropoid Tapes uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album Anthropoid Tapes, di Tuesday's Cockroaches

L'articolo Tuesday's Cockroaches - Sunny Cindy testo lyric di Tuesday's Cockroaches è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-02-21 20:43:06


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