VERA DI LECCE - The Truth testo lyric


You died, so I can be reborn
You died, so I can be
You died, so I can be reborn
You died again
I just wanted you to know that I'm missing
I'm missing the point of your existence
When I think about all of your essence
The wind just tells the Truth
I am going on another Island
Just looking for your Truth
I am gonna take it and protect it from a future wound
You died, so I can be reborn
You died, so I can be
You died, so I can be reborn
You died again
I just wanted you to bend so I could be
But by now I'm pretty sure that what I see
Is the perfect shape of what it should be
I'm here without your grief
You died. so I can ben reborn
You died, so I can be
You died, so I can be reborn
You died again


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Truth di VERA DI LECCE:


La canzone The Truth si trova nell'album Altar Of Love uscito nel 2022 per Niafunken, Manimal Vinyl.

Copertina dell'album Altar Of Love, di VERA DI LECCE

L'articolo VERA DI LECCE - The Truth testo lyric di VERA DI LECCE è apparso su il 2022-11-29 22:34:44


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