Warmhouse - Molko Monday testo lyric

10/04/2020 - 23:56 Scritto da Warmhouse Warmhouse 2


"Molko Monday"

Today the sun shines in my room

But I'm getting blue

Gettin’ blue and you, girl

Smile around around my head

And outside a square like a blinding pool

Under my shoes

And the laces seem ok

But I've already seen shadow lines.

Oh come on, your word is a hole

You don't know what you say today, what you'll say tomorrow

Your eyes speak more than a word

Secret stones we don't understand

and you don't stand

My head's a cigar box, a black wood room

I can show you

But I need your voice close

Burning presence in the night

She knows no pain

She's a new fontain vein

Drops on the floor, cry anymore,

living alone, what I've done?!

Oh come on, your word is a hole

You don't know what you say today, what you'll say tomorrow

Your eyes speak more than a word

Secret stones we don't understand and

I can't see you anymore


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Molko Monday di Warmhouse:


La canzone Molko Monday si trova nell'album 1984 uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album 1984, di Warmhouse

L'articolo Warmhouse - Molko Monday testo lyric di Warmhouse è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-04-10 23:56:17


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