Blue Town - green testo lyric

27/02/2022 - 14:28 Scritto da Blue Town Blue Town 1


there will be a soft sound
there will be white and black clouds
it could be a real pleasure
or you will see
only pain
the flesh starts to vanish up
every single dot
will know its aim
did the ancient made the scheme?

every tick of the clock we hear
is a loud scream
we ended up realizing
the movement we do is merely true
step on us, no one can lift
slip on us, no one can cease
the colour of the pain we feel

when you keep on living in hope
then someone will hear you asking: “is it right?”
when they keep on living in hope
then they say: “it does not move us”
when I keep on living in hope
then something will align the stars


Premi play per ascoltare il brano green di Blue Town:


La canzone green si trova nell'album 22:22 uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album 22:22, di Blue Town

L'articolo Blue Town - green testo lyric di Blue Town è apparso su il 2022-02-27 14:28:18


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