Wojtek - Inertia Reigns testo lyric

31/08/2023 - 11:29 Scritto da Wojtek Wojtek 0


I’m on a highway with no emergency lane
How long I've been driving this fucking wreck?
I’m on a highway with no way to escape
No polar star, no signs, only dead bodies and rubbles at the sides
Who had already passed this way?
Maybe this is not a road, just a path to nowhere
Drove in this circle of illusions with 
No end, disregarding mistakes repeated over decades
Did I follow the wrong white rabbit? I saw my dreams get lost at dusk
And the battered hiss of the engine 
whispers answers I'm not ready to hear
Who had already passed this way?
Maybe this is not a road, just a path to nowhere
Drove in this circle of illusions with 
No end, disregarding mistakes repeated over decades
The tank is empty, the oil exhausted, 
victims of an expiration date already passed, 
Tick tock tick tock, clocks are broken
the ticking blends my dreams with tears
And now, is the tar melting down? It's reality callin' me back to itself
I am still driving fast, I look out, meteors mark the sky
They’re ready to drag to hell some celestial body 
I lie to myself: ‘tomorrow will be better’ 
I lie to myself: If nothing matters, inertia reigns


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Inertia Reigns di Wojtek:


La canzone Inertia Reigns si trova nell'album Petricore uscito nel 2023 per SHOVE, Dio Drone, teschio dischi.

Copertina dell'album Petricore, di Wojtek

L'articolo Wojtek - Inertia Reigns testo lyric di Wojtek è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-08-31 11:29:26


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