Charo Galura - Say Goodbye To The Clouds testo lyric


I've lost myself on a cold rainy night
Asked myself why I've been so blind
There ain't no lie
There ain't no lie
There ain't no lie
You're my hand to the world
Whisper another song
In this long cold night
Say goodbye to the clouds
Say goodbye to the clouds
Sit on my rockin' chair in the sky
Sit on my rickin' chair in the sky


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Say Goodbye To The Clouds di Charo Galura:


Charo Galura: vocals, backing vocals


La canzone Say Goodbye To The Clouds si trova nell'album Life Through Apocalypse - EP uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album Life Through Apocalypse - EP, di Charo Galura

L'articolo Charo Galura - Say Goodbye To The Clouds testo lyric di Charo Galura è apparso su il 2020-10-13 20:10:31


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