Clear Decadence - Strange Love testo lyric


Running scared all along the day
I'm still searching for my sweet pray
Knowing girl is getting hard
I buried the last I met in my yard
Flows inside red is my blood
I want them all to taste my flood
Wishing things I cannot have
Soon drove me to be mad

Deep inside strong is the fight
it's four years that I run the light
I just hear what my sick brain says
"Where is the lamb we'll try to slay"

Aaah strange love
Aaah strange love

Everything started when I killed my wife
I cut her throat with a kitchen knife
Since that day I've hated my name
I've lived these years with this black shame
In my heart I know I should stop
"This is the last one" it is my thought
I can't deny what's in my head
It's the strongest need I've ever had

Aaah strange love
Aaah strange love


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Strange Love di Clear Decadence:


Questa canzone parla di sentimenti talmente morbosi ed eccessivi da trasformarsi in azioni che prevalicano i limiti morali e legali della nostra società. E' il protagonista stesso di queste malefatte a raccontarci tutto con sconcertante naturalezza...


Testo di Ido, musiche di G.Lamola.


La canzone Strange Love si trova nell'album To the secret sounds of eternity uscito nel 2010.

Copertina dell'album To the secret sounds of eternity, di Clear Decadence

L'articolo Clear Decadence - Strange Love testo lyric di Clear Decadence è apparso su il 2016-07-07 18:47:58


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