DA HAND IN THE MIDDLE - Study Hall testo lyric



they really try to learn
here in the hall where the pages turn
future doctors and lawyers screw balls too!
everyone has got the school house blues
someone here really is trying!
another guy's on the phone lying
to his girl why he didn’t finish
the project she had him replenish
you'll see all sorts of suffering
in this well lit room
nail biting writer huffering and puffering'
clacking keyboards on a twelve page doom
come one come all to the great study hall
where dreams come all into fruition
with a college tuition
you'll see all sorts of suffering
in this well lit room
nail biting writer huffering and puffering'
clacking keyboards on a twelve page doom
you'll hear moans and groans
people talking on their phones
you'll hear sighs of anguish or relief
someone has finished their report on the
Great Barrier Reef.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Study Hall di DA HAND IN THE MIDDLE:


La canzone Study Hall si trova nell'album L'éducation sentimentale uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album L'éducation sentimentale, di DA HAND IN THE MIDDLE

L'articolo DA HAND IN THE MIDDLE - Study Hall testo lyric di DA HAND IN THE MIDDLE è apparso su Rockit.it il 2013-01-15 17:22:21


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