Is running fast this car
Is running fast tonight
Is running fast this car
out of control
How can I stop this car
How can I help her drive
Is running fast this car
I can't control
I suppose to be able to take care of a wife and a baby too
I suppose to be able to climb over mountains and clouds too
She expected me
She expected me to do...me too
I suppose getting old and staying young as I wanted to be
I suppose getting old and be respected as an employee
She expected me
She expected me
She expected me to do
Is running fast this car...
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Is running fast this Car? di Delawater:
La canzone Is running fast this Car? si trova nell'album Open book at page eleven uscito nel 2013.

L'articolo Delawater - Is running fast this Car? testo lyric di Delawater è apparso su Rockit.it il 2014-02-11 13:45:17