DrØnes '72 - Soda, Ginger and Bleach testo lyric


I seem attracted by your feel for nothing
By your filtered smoothies
You bite roots for lunch
You feel relaxed, with enchanted baskets
Rainbow coloured carpets, anorexic moves
You feel fantastic, in oriental dresses
Bending all your spirit
Whispering the truth 

And it's another national day
Yet another organic fair
I'll buy you soda, ginger and bleach
Let's toast with soda, ginger and bleach

I feel attracted by compulsive shopping
inconsistent practice 
changing every day
I act surprised, lost and adumbrated
at your wisdom fainted
Witchy lunatic
I'm disappointed all my heroes hanging
Uncompleted lyrics
Oh, they're gone for real 

And it's another national day
Yet another organic fair
I'll buy you soda, ginger and bleach
Let's toast with soda, ginger and bleach


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Soda, Ginger and Bleach di DrØnes '72:


La canzone Soda, Ginger and Bleach si trova nell'album Whispers Never Stop - Vol. 2 uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album Whispers Never Stop - Vol. 2, di DrØnes '72

L'articolo DrØnes '72 - Soda, Ginger and Bleach testo lyric di DrØnes '72 è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-07-04 12:17:06


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