Faintin' Goats - Killing Social Mood testo lyric


The room is empty now
no many disguises around
and no one seems to be seeing
the fact on the rack

we should fill in the basket
out of the casket
we're reaching our mask
we live in those axes
of paintint, or breaking and shading
faking, awaiting and awaking the show

we are faintin' goats
we kill social moods
we are faintin' goats
try a differend mood

we are faintin' goats
you dont understand a fuckin line
you just bleed by your ears
well, fading so clear

concentrate, create your line in a world with no meanings
in stuff are just rough ideas in the head
the same ideas that need to be filled
with pale colors around

dont recognize no enemy, no
attack yourself with a misery depression
unreadible phases, untouchable phrases
inaudible lettres, stop being get snapped

believe, fantasize
show me (your line)
taking a chance
out of the glance
fill in the mouth
show me that but be aware

try to fill you size
choose your side
to get into your partner's eyes

try another side
choose your size
to get into your parner's eyes


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Killing Social Mood di Faintin' Goats:

VIDEO Killing Social Mood

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La canzone Killing Social Mood si trova nell'album Failin' Gods uscito nel 2022 per Bulbless!, Stand Alone Complex, Dirty Beach, E.C.T..

Copertina dell'album Failin' Gods, di Faintin' Goats

L'articolo Faintin' Goats - Killing Social Mood testo lyric di Faintin' Goats è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-06-14 17:33:19


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