Gintsugi - To Grace testo lyric

28/09/2022 - 23:19 Scritto da Gintsugi Gintsugi 0


I had a dream last night
and it was filled with light
lullabying a secret song
of a broken, broke soul

In my dream last night
and ying/yang shaped delight
It felt it was so real
I wondered if you feel

And with the red he came on
my black heart melting on the floor
how you open the door
you sing on and on

Rocking and rolling embrace
from brokenness to grace
rocking and rolling embrace
(you dream soulmate) wearing the same scars on our face

I had a dream last night
and it was filled with light
and it was filled with you
brother, within me you

And with the red he came on
my black heart melting on the floor
how you open the door
you sing on and on

Rocking and rolling embrace
from brokenness to grace
rocking and rolling embrace
(you dream soulmate) wearing the same scars on our face


Premi play per ascoltare il brano To Grace di Gintsugi:


Scritto, composto da Gintsugi
Prodotto da Gintsugi e B.L. Records


La canzone To Grace si trova nell'album The Elephant in the Room uscito nel 2023 per Beautiful Losers, SONO Music, FUGA.

Copertina dell'album The Elephant in the Room, di Gintsugi

L'articolo Gintsugi - To Grace testo lyric di Gintsugi è apparso su il 2022-09-28 23:19:09


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