Glitterball - I Fouled the Bed of Dreams testo lyric


I fouled the bed of dreams
You live like a dead sun

I fouled the bed of dreams
Everything is in flux flow

I sometimes feel
I like the seasons stars

I sometimes feel
and do not seek
what I seek.

We want to survive to our fears
a leap in the dark
of my desire.

I fouled the bed of dreams
Oh! Let me lose myself !

I fouled the bed of dreams
and don' t ask me if I pray !

I Sometimes feel
No flower is born, is born today

I Sometimes feel
It's wind, my soul
It's wind today.

We want to survive to our fears
a leap in the dark
of my desire.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano I Fouled the Bed of Dreams di Glitterball:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: *principale* (di @ con 5 brani)


La canzone I Fouled the Bed of Dreams si trova nell'album Teen uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album Teen, di Glitterball

L'articolo Glitterball - I Fouled the Bed of Dreams testo lyric di Glitterball è apparso su il 2013-10-16 21:05:45


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