HEARTS APART - You take me to the end testo lyric


I hear your voice I step back
I shiver badly
I have no choice I run from you
To run to you babe
You do the same
We’re blades
We’re mutual blades
Then who’s to blame
When we shout each other

The end
You take me to the end
We’re rats in a cage
Of kisses and broken mugs
The sweetest rage below
Our blood red hugs
Stuck in this glue
Of tears and ecstasies
Now stab my heart
With words I’ll miss so bad
Let’s fall apart to spring out
The poisoned well
Time will tell
What’s left for us to bleed

The end
You take me to the end


Premi play per ascoltare il brano You take me to the end di HEARTS APART:


La canzone You take me to the end si trova nell'album Bang! Wrong Again uscito nel 2023 per Self-produced, Awal.

Copertina dell'album Bang! Wrong Again, di HEARTS APART

L'articolo HEARTS APART - You take me to the end testo lyric di HEARTS APART è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-04-27 16:10:46


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