I Ragazzi del Massacro - Big one testo lyric


I have to go upstream, without medicine
I have to wake up as soon today

I slept in a well, I am looking for my shoes
before I walk straight and safe

if there's something out there, but I can’t to see it
I'm waiting for New Year’s Day

I don’t believe in you, I can get to hell
I send the waves into your space.

if there's something out there, but I can’t to see it
if you believe that life will be better, it surely will be
I want to catch and touch, maybe I need too much
It’s just another New Year’s Day
big one just for another day today


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Big one di I Ragazzi del Massacro:


La canzone Big one si trova nell'album Juvenile Street uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Juvenile Street, di I Ragazzi del Massacro

L'articolo I Ragazzi del Massacro - Big one testo lyric di I Ragazzi del Massacro è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-12-06 09:49:11


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