Nagual - Diamonds and Rust (acoustic version) testo lyric

21/06/2024 - 12:44Scritto da Nagual Nagual3


I'll be damned, here comes your ghost again
But that's not unusual
It's just that the moon is full
And you decided to call

And here I sit, hand on the telephone
Hearing the voice I'd known
A couple of light years ago
Headed straight for a fall

But we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust
Yes we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust

Now I see you standing with brown leaves all around and snow in your hair
Now we're smiling out the window of the crummy hotel over Washington Square
Our breath comes in white clouds, mingles and hangs in the air
Speaking strictly for me we both could've died then and there

Now you're telling me you're not nostalgic
Then give me another word for it
You were so good with words
And at keeping things vague

Cause I need some of that vagueness now
It's all come back too clearly, yes, I love you dearly
And if you're offering me diamonds and rust, I've already paid

But we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust
Yes we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust

Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Diamonds and Rust (acoustic version) di Nagual:


Versione acustica di un celebre brano del 1975 della cantautrice americana Joan Baez, celebre anche per la versione dei Judas Priest contenuta nell’album “Sin After Sin” (1977). Anche questo brano fa da tempo parte del repertorio live della band.

VIDEO Diamonds and Rust (acoustic version)

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La canzone Diamonds and Rust (acoustic version) si trova nell'album Naked Roots uscito nel 2018 per Orzorock Music.

Copertina dell'album Naked Roots, di Nagual

L'articolo Nagual - Diamonds and Rust (acoustic version) testo lyric di Nagual è apparso su il 2024-06-21 12:44:44


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