Novadeaf - No reason to be kind testo lyric

27/03/2022 - 11:32 Scritto da Novadeaf Novadeaf 5


In the lack of self defense the cracks throng up the mirror.
The cracks throng up the mirror in the lack of self defense.
In a world so full of lies the fuzz sure wins the fights.
The fuzz sure wins the fights in a world so full of lies.
In a world now set for trial the House's in full denial.
The House's in full denial in a world now set for trial.
I'm gonna reap what you sow, the litter and the gold, 'n I'm gonna burn it tonight.
I need no gunshy reflection from peers with obligations. I'm gonna burn it tonight.
Oooohh, ain't no reason to be kind, Oooohh, I've come to find.
Oooohh, ain't no luck being on my side, Oooohh, I've come to find.
In a world so full of lies the fuzz sure wins the fights.
The fuzz sure wins the fights in a world so full of lies.
In the lack of self defense the cracks throng up the mirror.
The cracks throng up the mirror in the lack of self defense.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano No reason to be kind di Novadeaf:


La canzone No reason to be kind si trova nell'album BELLICUS uscito nel 2022 per Beng! Dischi, Feyr.

Copertina dell'album BELLICUS, di Novadeaf

L'articolo Novadeaf - No reason to be kind testo lyric di Novadeaf è apparso su il 2022-03-27 11:32:10


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