Puà - Beacon Margarita testo lyric

21/03/2024 - 11:48 Scritto da Puà Puà 0


Everytime I’m a different person
I wait for you to hold me
My guitar has a different purpose tonight

Every morning you’re a different person
You're pisces I’m a virgo lover
There’s a fridge full of water, pills and rice
I don’t know why

Why do you have to be alone?

Georgie was a friend of Lisa
She was half portorican
They bought a beacon margarita
And they got so high.

You look me in the eyes
I feel I just got back to her
Green stars follow me tonight
I don’t know why.

I don’t want to be the one
I don’t want to be the one

I’m fond of a geezer
Who’s got meals in the freezer
She’s in love with Anita
And we get so high.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Beacon Margarita di Puà:


La canzone Beacon Margarita si trova nell'album Animali uscito nel 2024 per We Were Never Being Boring , Dischi Sotterranei, Believe.

Copertina dell'album Animali, di Puà

L'articolo Puà - Beacon Margarita testo lyric di Puà è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-03-21 11:48:52


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