roberto galanto - MY MIA (MAI MIA - ENGLISH VERSION) testo lyric



I had a dream of a girl like you
She said that I'm too good to be true
Then she started screaming "no, we’re just friends"
Pretending I spoiled it all again

I need a shot of humanity
To steer me out of my fantasy
But I got trapped in your apathy
And now I'm losing my sanity

Playin' boleros
Dodging your arrows
I can't even try to have fun

Broken Manero
Tony Sombrero
I can't even dare to have fun

My Mia, my Mia, my life's a lie
None of your kisses are real

Bye Mia, bye Mia, I don't even cry
I'm breaking free, that's the deal (that’s ideal)

I've got a plan to relieve my soul:
Pick up a ticket to Mexico
Mar de la Plata, in a bungalow
Pretending you won't destroy it all

Hitting on me like you lost a bet
Teaching me fetch like your loyal pet
I'm just a pawn in your power game
I've got no one but myself to blame

Feeling so low
Nowhere to go
I won't even try to have fun

Feeling so bad
Nothing to add
I won't even attempt to have fun
My Mia, my Mia, my life's a lie
None of your kisses are real

Bye Mia, bye Mia, I don't even cry
I'm breaking free, that’s ideal

Apparently suddenly
There's a change
In my melody

I'm feeling my energy
Coming back into me
Like a lost honeybee

I get that love is affinity
I need to heal my vitality

So I'm gonna care for
My heart to repair 'cause
I know there's somebody to love
And that one is just me

My Mia, my Mia, my darling lie
None of your feelings are real

Bye Mia, bye Mia, I don't even cry
Discarded, d'you know how that feels?

Me it's only me
Mi corazón!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano MY MIA (MAI MIA - ENGLISH VERSION) di roberto galanto:


La canzone MY MIA (MAI MIA - ENGLISH VERSION) si trova nell'album WELCOME uscito nel 2022 per Believe.

Copertina dell'album WELCOME, di roberto galanto

L'articolo roberto galanto - MY MIA (MAI MIA - ENGLISH VERSION) testo lyric di roberto galanto è apparso su il 2022-09-24 23:08:21


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