Sons of Lazareth - Punctually Late testo lyric


True love / False affection / I love your smile / my life changes / Even if it hurts / my life changes / It's an obsession / Stealing a part of me / But no resistance / It's just a sweet sorrow /...I still hope / My soul doesn't want to have reasons / My mind is my only prison / I can't breathe / ...punctually late / I can't breathe /...punctually late / Now it's dark / Not remembering what you were / I wanted to forget / In the end, the wounds /...always burn / The wind carries away all reasons / My mind is my only prison / I can't breathe /...punctually late / I can't breathe /...punctually late / If this is true love / I'm punctually late


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Punctually Late di Sons of Lazareth:


L.Riccioni, A.D'Amato, M.Pinna, M.Gambarini


La canzone Punctually Late si trova nell'album Blue Skies back to Gray uscito nel 2017.

Copertina dell'album Blue Skies back to Gray, di Sons of Lazareth

L'articolo Sons of Lazareth - Punctually Late testo lyric di Sons of Lazareth è apparso su il 2022-10-13 14:19:45


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