Technoir - Polluted Core testo lyric

09/06/2023 - 14:09 Scritto da Technoir Technoir 6


I disobey
The laws of nature
what's left
in sight

I'd die for you
I'd die just to have you…

polluted core
will take your soul
your love for me
we'll be your end

I'd die for you
I'd die just to have you…
I'd cry for you
I don't want to be without you


I'd die for you
I'd die just to have you
I'd cry for you
don't want to be without you
I'd die for you
I'd die just to have you
just to have you…


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Polluted Core di Technoir:


La canzone Polluted Core si trova nell'album AFTER MATH uscito nel 2023 per Kengah Records, Awal, The Orchard / Sony.

Copertina dell'album AFTER MATH, di Technoir

L'articolo Technoir - Polluted Core testo lyric di Technoir è apparso su il 2023-06-09 14:09:06


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