The Singers - Dance! Dance! Dance! (Hit The Floor) testo lyric


tonight i'm restless can't do a thing but one
can't do a thing but one this night i'm helpless
can't think of anything can't think of anything
just you and me bittersweet in the evening

knock down
hit the floor
nothing matters anymore
stand up

when you were here everything felt different
when you were here would you please dear
give an answer so I can fall asleep
and you can disappear
just you and me silly things in the evening

it doesn't matter if i can't dance
dance with me
please come dance with me


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Dance! Dance! Dance! (Hit The Floor) di The Singers:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: importata (di @jismo con 21 brani), importata (di @sarafulli con 100 brani), importata (di @alessiapaulone con 3 brani), xxxx100 (di @rockitadmin con 10 brani), *principale* (di @ con 3 brani), Ritmo (di @platoon76 con 2 brani), RojoFire (di @volpeseven con 91 brani), THE SINGERS (di @cinziapizzi con 3 brani)

VIDEO Dance! Dance! Dance! (Hit The Floor)

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La canzone Dance! Dance! Dance! (Hit The Floor) si trova nell'album The Room Went Black uscito nel 2011.

Copertina dell'album The Room Went Black, di The Singers

L'articolo The Singers - Dance! Dance! Dance! (Hit The Floor) testo lyric di The Singers è apparso su il 2013-10-15 17:32:05


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