Trauma forward - Rendezvous testo lyric


It’s easy to feel blue
it takes just a bit
so maybe it would be wise
tryin’ to get a tear of happiness
without fear because
it’s easy to feel blue again

Something tells me that today
a thought of yours will be for me
that’s why I am inspired
that’s why I feel caged
when I look into your eyes
I see a deep labyrinth
maybe it’s just in my mind
but it’s funny to disturb you

I want you to know that I think we’ll never rendezvous and I feel sorry, it’s my fault
I hope that you will forgive me one day
now everything I can do
it’s to dedicate this song to you

I think I would be fine
seeing you once again


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Rendezvous di Trauma forward:


Pomeridiani desideri inferiori, quali prioni nelle meningi di anfratti industriali, lo sconvolsero giacché contraddittori alla coscienza della nuova carne.


Musica di Jacopo Bucciantini e Davide Lucioli. Testi di Jacopo Bucciantini. Arrangiata da Jacopo Bucciantini, Davide Lucioli, Francesco Presentini, Chiara Natali e Virginia Belvedere. Eseguita da Darmabams (voce, flauto traverso); Davide Lucioli (sintetizzatori, mellotron); Jacopo Bucciantini (basso, batteria, drumpad); Francesco Presentini (chitarre).


La canzone Rendezvous si trova nell'album Aesthesys uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Aesthesys, di Trauma forward

L'articolo Trauma forward - Rendezvous testo lyric di Trauma forward è apparso su il 2023-11-09 21:23:19


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