Ur - Trash In My Mail testo lyric

28/04/2022 - 10:19 Scritto da Ur Ur 0


Trash In My Mail

The State is trying to catch me, long letter in my mail
don’t need to think about it, I know what it says
I’ll get a a new inspection for things I should have payed
don’t need to worry about it..trash in my mail

just put my coffee on the table
someone’s knocking at my door
a man is here for an inspection
I should have knocked him to the floor
take a look, there is no radio!
take a look, there’s no TV!
look around there are no treasures
you wanna suck my blood just like a leech

the state is trying to catch me, long letter in my mail
they’ll send the big tough buddies ‘cause I don’t wanna pay
I don’t own a TV or radio, I don’t owe you anything
I don’t have to worry about it trashing my mail

grey hair, blue jacket and a tie
always loyal to the law
door to door with his fishing eye
while their pockets grow
but this time it’s the wrong door
this time it’s clear
he smells hate for institutions
and I’m gonna kick him out of here

no way you're gonna get me ‘cause I’ll be far away
I won’t feed this bloody country sold in my name
and when they’ll try to get me I’m gonna change my name
don’t need to worry about it, trash in my mail

the state is trying to catch me, long letter in my mail
don’t need to think about it, I just won’t pay
and when they’ll try to get me I will be far away
don’t need to worry about it trashing my mail

trash in my mail


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Trash In My Mail di Ur:


Il pezzo è ispirato a una vicenda personale. La scenografia strumentale sincopata ed esplosiva del brano fa da tappeto alla storia raccontata con ironia dal testo: il protagonista intrappolato, accerchiato dai tentacoli della burocrazia e angosciato da ogni “messaggio in arrivo”, risponde con un liberatorio dito medio.


La canzone Trash In My Mail si trova nell'album City Of Ur uscito nel 2022 per Believe, Nicety .

Copertina dell'album City Of Ur, di Ur

L'articolo Ur - Trash In My Mail testo lyric di Ur è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-04-28 10:19:44


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